Natural wood elements can bring warmth and texture to your home, plus it’s a classic look that never goes out of style. Here are some ways to add natural wood to your interior decor.

Install hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are a popular, timeless way to add natural wood to your home. You can find hardwood floors in various styles, like oak, bamboo, and walnut. Lighter wood can brighten a space, while dark wood floors can create a cozy, rich ambiance. Staircases are another place where you can add wood flooring for warmth.

Create an accent wall. If you don’t want to commit to wood floors, create an accent wall instead. Choose a wall as a focal point for the room and add wooden slats as paneling. In addition to wooden slats, you can use wood to create board and batten, geometric accents, and other types of unique paneling for texture and interest.

Use wood furniture. For an easy way to add warmth to a room, use wood furniture. Items like wooden coffee tables, dressers, and bookcases can make a space feel complete. Choose the type of wood furniture that goes best with your personal style, such as a distressed wood dining table or an elegant mahogany bed.

Bring in wooden accessories. When using wood in your home, don’t forget to use accessories to tie the space together. Accessories like shelves, vases, and decorative knickknacks can add character to a room. You can find unique wooden accessories at thrift shops, vintage stores, and even local craft fairs.

Natural wood elements make your home look classic and cozy. Consider these ideas to bring additional warmth to your space.


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