With the weather getting warmer, you’re likely yearning to spend more time outside. Having the right outdoor space can make it feel like you’re relaxing and entertaining in a space that’s just an extension of your indoor space. Use these tips to create an outdoor living area that blends comfort and functionality.

Choose outdoor furniture that looks like indoor furniture. One of the best ways to create continuity is to use outdoor furniture that looks like you could have it indoors. The only real difference is outdoor furniture uses water-resistant woods and sturdier fabrics.

Add cold-weather accessories. Ideally, temperatures should begin to increase and make being outside bearable. However, when the sun sets, it can get cold. Consider adding fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, and space heaters.

Make the outdoors welcoming. While stone pavers might work well for a walkway, they don’t necessarily contribute to an overall design. Instead, consider installing all-weather wood flooring since it can hold up for years under harsh conditions. As a bonus, it looks like real wood.

Create seating areas. If you’re hosting guests, you want to make sure they have plenty of seating options. Add lounge chairs, benches, and smaller seats, but don’t forget larger comfortable pieces. After all, people want to feel relaxed outdoors.

Don’t leave your outdoor space as an afterthought; this area is the perfect place to unwind after a tough day or long week. Enhance the ambiance and fresh air by implementing a few of these tips, and you and your guests will be glad you did.

Sources: Ridgelineconstructiongroup.com, Backyardboss.net, Beckiowens.com

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